Whole Hardwood Logs
(85 Litre Net)


Our Kiln Dried hard Firewood logs are one of our most popular firewood logs that is perfect for open fires, wood burners and log burners. All our Hardwood logs are seasoned, kiln dried and ready to burn.

SKU: hardwood-logs-1 Category:


All our Whole Hardwood logs are seasoned, kiln dried and ready to burn in your wood burner.

The whole hardwood logs will be delivered in in colour coded ‘brown’ nets for convenience of handling and cleanliness.

Each delivery of our kiln dried whole hardwood logs will be randomly tested for moisture content so that they are ready for you to burn in your wood burner immediately upon delivery.

When you place your whole hardwood firewood order, our staff will contact you and arrange for a customised delivery.

If you have queries on anything please do write same for our attention in the notes section when placing your order.

These Whole Hardwood Logs are also available in a cubic metre for £168.00 (12 sacks = 1 cubic metre). There is no Minimum order so you can mix hardwood sacks and softwood sacks to suit.

Additional information


7", 10", 12", 14"